Pre-Bypass Filter
Pre-Bypass Filters

Materials of Construction
Filter Material: Acrylic Copolymer Membrane
Housing Material: Acrylic
Biological Safety: Passes Class VI Testing
Sterilization Compatibility: EtO
Type: Tubing
Inlet: 3/8″ Barbed
Outlet: 1/2″ Barbed
Effective Filtration Area: 10.8 in. sq.
Performance Data
Bubble point: 2.5 psi minimum
Minimum flow rate: 1.14 LPM @ 2 psi
Maximum Flow Rate: 2.46 LPM @ 10 psi
Maximum Operating Pressure: 50 psi
Priming volume: 100 mL
Usability: Disposable
Specifications are for pre-sterilized products and are subject to change without notice. Results in specific applications may vary. Filtertek recommends that end user confirm fitness in specific applications.
Drawings are not available for this product.
Product Warranty
Filtertek takes the quality and performance of our products very seriously. Every effort is made to provide our customers with a product of low variability which consistently meets specification in every respect. Filtertek strives to continually improve the quality of our products and cannot always ensure that our literature and published data is up-to-date. Please contact your Filtertek account manager to discuss your application and a suitable product in detail before making a purchase.
Our specifications are for pre-sterilized products and are subject to change without notice. Customers are encouraged to fully test any product in its end use application to ensure suitability.
Filtertek Inc. products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days after shipment. Filtertek Inc. will replace or refund the invoice price for any item that proves to be defective during this time period. These products are not warranted, nor does Filtertek Inc. assume liability for misuse. No other warranty or representation is implied or expressed by Filtertek Inc. for its products with respect to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or any other matter. Filtertek Inc. shall not under any circumstances be liable for any incidental, consequential, or compensatory damage arising from the use of, or in conjunction with its products. The maximum liability which can be assumed by Filtertek Inc. for breach of warranty shall be the invoice price of the product.
Technical literature is not available for this product.